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스티브 발머 MS CEO "1년 내 퇴임할 것"

2013.08.26 Brian Cheon  |  CIO KR
스티브 발머 마이크로소프트 CEO가 향후 1년 내에 CEO 자리에서 물어날 의사를 피력했다. CEO 역임 13년 만의 결정이다.

지난 2000년 빌 게이츠 뒤를 이어 CEO에 올랐던 발머는 지난 23일 설명을 통해 "경영권 이전에 있어 완벽한 시점은 없겠지만 지금이 적기라고 생각한다"라며, 현재 후임자를 물색하고 있다고 전했다.

1980년 마이크로소프트에 입사한 스티브 발머는 직원들에게 보낸 'Moving Forward'라는 제목의 메일을 통해 "그동안 MS는 750만 달러규모 회사에서 780억 달러 규모 기업으로 성장했으며 직원 수는 30여명에서 10만 명으로 늘어났다”라며 “사랑하는 회사의 이익을 위해 최선을 다 했다"라고 전했다.

한편 발머의 사퇴 의사가 전해진 이후 뉴욕 증시에서는 마이크로소프트 주가가 한때 8% 가량 급등하는 등, 시장 반응은 긍정적이었다.

스티브 발머가 직원들에게 보낸 이메일 전문은 아래와 같다.

I am writing to let you know that I will retire as CEO of Microsoft within the next 12 months, after a successor is chosen. There is never a perfect time for this type of transition, but now is the right time. My original thoughts on timing would have had my retirement happen in the middle of our transformation to a devices and services company focused on empowering customers in the activities they value most. We need a CEO who will be here longer term for this new direction. You can read the press release on Microsoft News Center.

This is a time of important transformation for Microsoft. Our new Senior Leadership team is amazing. The strategy we have generated is first class. Our new organization, which is centered on functions and engineering areas, is right for the opportunities and challenges ahead.

Microsoft is an amazing place. I love this company. I love the way we helped invent and popularize computing and the PC. I love the bigness and boldness of our bets. I love our people and their talent and our willingness to accept and embrace their range of capabilities, including their quirks. I love the way we embrace and work with other companies to change the world and succeed together. I love the breadth and diversity of our customers, from consumer to enterprise, across industries, countries, and people of all backgrounds and age groups.

I am proud of what we have achieved. We have grown from $7.5 million to nearly $78 billion since I joined Microsoft, and we have grown from employing just over 30 people to almost 100,000. I feel good about playing a role in that success and having committed 100 percent emotionally all the way. We have more than 1 billion users and earn a great profit for our shareholders. We have delivered more profit and cash return to shareholders than virtually any other company in history.

I am excited by our mission of empowering the world and believe in our future success. I cherish my Microsoft ownership, and look forward to continuing as one of Microsoft's largest owners.

This is an emotional and difficult thing for me to do. I take this step in the best interests of the company I love; it is the thing outside of my family and closest friends that matters to me most.

Microsoft has all its best days ahead. Know you are part of the best team in the industry and have the right technology assets. We cannot and will not miss a beat in these transitions. I am focused and driving hard and know I can count on all of you to do the same. Let's do ourselves proud.
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